hotel plant room views

Case Studies

Crowne Plaza Hotel – Urgent Response

  • Client

    Interstate Hotel Group
  • Location

    Crowne Plaza Hotel - Newcastle-upon-Tyne
  • Sector

    Hotels & Leisure
  • Requirements

    Urgent response to restore heating systems
  • Objective

    To get the boilers back online

Critical plant failure… at around 3:15PM the maintenance team encountered a complete boiler failure meaning no heating or hot water within the hotel; they began their investigation into the cause, and in subsequent discussion with our engineer it became apparent that the main gas valve had failed. We were asked to attend site to check and resolve the situation.

Identifying the fault

Responding to our client request, our engineer arrived on site at 8pm and completed tests to ascertain the exact nature of the fault; it was the gas valve.

…bearing in mind we are in Newcastle and the engineer was in Preston; he arrived within the specified time…

Resolving the problem

We located and arranged for a replacement valve to be delivered to site and our engineers proceeded to strip out the faulty unit.
Within an hour of the 105Kg replacement valve being fitted and thorough checks carried out, the gas supply was re-instated to the boilers; hot water was available within approx. 40 minutes, and heating circuits were restored.
Our engineers ensured that all was ok and that no other issues where evident prior to leaving site.

Actions (indicative timings):

  • 08:00 – Replacement unit ordered (same-day courier ex Peterborough)
  • 16:30 – Engineers arrive at site
  • 18:30 – Gas valve arrives at site
  • 19:30 – Gas valve fitted and boiler gas supply restored


All of the Engineers and staff at Horsfields are a credit to the company and are a proven asset; which gives a piece of mind that the job will always be carried out to a high standard within time constraints

Chief Engineer – Crowne Plaza Hotel

Allthough we’d never wish to see our clients encountering such issues, it is never-the-less a great opportunity for us to stay practiced and prove our ability to give a quick response to clients encountering serious, business-critical emergencies.

In this case, a 105Kg 8″ gas valve replaced within 12 hours of our order being placed, and within 24 hours of first attending site.